This year's Toy Fair was probably the best one we have seen in years and I wanted to run through which reveals I am most excited about. I wasn't at Toy Fair but I was able to gather info by stalking various websites for all the updates. I'll provide all of those websites at the end of this post. This has to be the best display Hasbro has ever done. The amount of Marvel Legends that were revealed is insane. I can't believe that 5 years ago this line was on the verge of dying. I remember being at Comic-con standing at the Hasbro booth for hours full of jealously because of how much attention Marvel Universe was getting while Legends got put on the back burner. Things have changed and it's a very exciting time to be a Legends collector.
Avengers Legends Infinite Series 3
Modern Dr. Strange (this looks to be a modified version of the Bucky Cap sculpt, that now has clothes wrinkles)
Vision (I wish they had gone with the classic look, but still looks great)
Movie War Machine
Build a figure Hulk Buster Iron Man (Damn this thing looks huge)
Antman Legends Infinite Series

Ant-Man (Movie Version)
Wasp (a much needed update)
Tiger Shark
Grim Reaper (this looks like it might be a new sculpt)
Bulldozer (finally! part of me thought he would never see the light of day)
6" Giant-Man (it looks like it will be what he was wearing during Avengers Academy)
Build a figure Movie Ultron (this thing looks amazing)
Spider-Man Legends Infinite Series 2
(this is the series I am most excited about)
Scarlet-Spider(Yes! With a newly sculpted chest too)
Misty Knight (this is as random as Machine Man, very cool)
Ghost Rider (very nice use of the Star-Lord body)
Chameleon with Hammer Head and J. Jonah Jameson alternate heads (damn 3 figures in one. This will be on the new Agent Coulson body)
White Tiger
Superior Venom
Kraven (I can not wait for this. I never picked up the goofy one Toy Biz put out a few years ago)
Build a figure Rhino with alternate heads
Avengers Movie 4 pack (Amazon Exclusive)
Black Widow
Bruce Banner
Target Exclusive 3-pack
White Vision (this looks great except it has toes, I am not sure what's going on there)
Ultron (looks like it's on the Ultimate Beetle Body)
This isn't Marvel but I am very excited about the Funko Rocketeer figure. I really liked the Magic the Gathering Legacy figures so I am sure Rocketeer will be awesome.
Although there were a lot more reveals, like Neca Godzilla, Diamond Select Ghost Buster's and Funko Legacy Firefly, I just wanted to talk about the ones I was most excited about. I still hope to see some new Planet Of The Apes stuff from Neca. Leave comments to let me know which reveals you are excited about. Check out the links below.
The Fwoosh
Marvelous News
Thanks for reading.
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