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Unparalleled Universe is a Blog about Action Figures, Comics,Movies,Music and all things nerdy and awesome.Please feel free to leave comments and post letting me know what you think.
"Barry?...Maybe this time it's a marathon, not a sprint."
Convergence has taken over my life. I didn't want it to be this way, but I have bought into the madness. Okay, maybe I'm lying. I was pretty excited when hearing of this massive event spanning all of DC's comic book universes. However, I didn't expect it to be this far-reaching. Much of the ongoing story lines and universes are ones I am very unfamiliar with. Being sort of a n00b to the whole comic book game, I have a very limited amount of information and back story on them. So for any future Convergence reviews I do, I will be taking the position of someone who has no idea what the hell has been going on in all these multiple universes. That won't be too hard considering that's the exact position I'm in! What I've enjoyed the most so far of this whole Convergence madness is that you really feel the chaotic nature of the circumstances at hand. Every story from these past 3 weeks has taken place right before Telos' voice rings loud throughout the multiverse as he communicates to the lesser beings that they will fight to the death until one city stands. The reason I chose to review The Flash this week is because I think it shines a light on the struggle the heroes have gone through being powerless and lost under the dome.
I can imagine it being pretty damn demoralizing for the "Fastest Man Alive" to not only jog alongside the common people, but to be outrun by them. Barry Allen clings to the hopes that everything will turn back to normal. He'll get his powers back, he'll be with Iris West again, and that things will just go back to the way they used to be. Yet, there is a part of him that is trying to grasp the concept that this new life they lead is the way it will be forever. It's been a year under the dome and nobody has any clue who did it, why they did it, or how they will fix it. All he does now is run and work. Later that day, he meets with his universe's Bruce Wayne, and it seems more like a therapy session than a lunch between friends. As Barry leaves to return to the Gotham City Police Department where he works, the voice familiar to Convergence readers booms across the dome. "CITIZENS OF MY WORLD! NOW IS THE TIME! THE HOUR IS NEAR! JUDGMENT IS HERE!" Suddenly, Barry feels the power of the Speed Force surges through his body once again, and hope is still alive.
The art in this book is beautiful too. It's probably been my favorite art so far out of all these Convergence titles to come out. Federico Dallocchio did a fantastic job illustrating this version of Gotham City, and colorist Veronica Gandini really made the scenery pop. There is a great resource for those of you who don't feel like reading 11 titles a week in order to keep up with this event. the DCR Podcast has been covering every Convergence title in a very entertaining way, If you don't want to read every issue, just plug in your headphones and let these guys give you a rundown of what's going on! Their episodes recapping the week usually come out a couple days after the comics so keep your eye out for that. I'd also like to say, thanks for being patient with me. Last week I wasn't able to get a review up due to my work and school load. 60 hour weeks are killer and schoolwork and homework on top of that make it very hard for me to do the things I enjoy so thanks for still checking in! Do me a favor and check out my podcast on iTunes and Stitcher and if you could, leave a quick little rating and review! You guys are the shit!
CONVERGENCE IS UPON US! Well holy shit, this is crazy. DC's Convergence event is finally here. Things have been set in motion and I cannot wait to see how it unravels! So, I'm relatively new to the whole collecting comic books gig. It's been an amazing experience, but there is something that has always thrown me off about these huge superhero universes! I find the whole continuity, keeping up with multiple universes thing pretty difficult, especially since I got into comics during the wrapping up stages of DC's New 52 titles. It takes some serious research to get up to speed with each different universe, and there really is a limit to how much you understand about them unless you've read all the material. I can imagine how hard it would be to juggle all this Infinite Crisis, Zero Hour, pre-New 52, pre-Flashpoint, post-Flashpoint, Kingdom Come, Injustice craziness if you aren't a comic book reading MACHINE. So in that sense, I'm actually really happy Convergence is happening. It seems like an effort to tie up all these straggling universes and meld everything into one cohesive story line moving forward. Executing an event of this scale seems like a hefty task, and I feel that DC has brought on some of the best writers and artists in the business to usher in this new era.
The beginning of the book shows a disaster in what appears to be the universe influenced by the Injustice: Gods Among Us titles. You can kinda tell based on Batman and Flash's suits, as well as the crazed and psychotic look in Superman's piercing red eyes. Gotham City has been decimated, and it's citizens have been annihilated. A booming message fills the air, yet they cannot find the source.
In a different universe, Thomas Wayne and Dick Grayson are zapped into the sky and land on the dusty ground of an unknown desert. Now, these iterations of Batman and Grayson are not to be confused with the Flashpoint Batman and super spy Grayson (thanks to a couple redditors for checking me on that). Following closely behind are other Earth-2 heroes Jay Garrick (Flash), Val Zod (Superman) and Alan Scott (Green Lantern). Ripped from a battle with Darkseid, they now try to figure out what the hell is going on as their powers start to fade.
ENTER TELOS! Cosmic being with a set of orders from Brainiac to pit different universes against each other in a Hunger Games-style tournament until one city stands victorious! It it destiny. It is Convergence. has begun! You guys, this is the beginning of something INSANE. I got a rush just reading this first issue. It's a lot to digest right off the bat, but I feel like these writers are really putting in an effort to make all this multiverse mumbo-jumbo palatable for the layman. You MUST get this book. Also real quick, I'd like to apologize for skipping my weekly review last week. Some personal stuff came up and it had to be dealt with. But I'm back in action and excited as ever for what's to come in the following months! Be sure to check out the rest of the Unparallelled Universe blog! Aaaaand ONE more thing. So me and a couple friends decided to start a podcast. We bullshit around and talk about kinda silly stuff. It's for fun, and if you have some time to kill, you should definitely check it out. The podcast is in no way affiliated with Unparalleled Universe, just something I'm doing and I'd love for you to check it out! Thanks so much! Suggested Listening: Molossus composed by Hans Zimmer for the Batman Begins score Favorite Quote: "Citizens of my world! I have brought this convergence upon you. Now is the time. The hour is near. Judgment is here. Only one city shall survive, only the strong." - Telos
Marvel Knights: The Inhumans What's up everyone? I am here to show you a couple of customs I made recently. If you read my last post about customs, you know that I haven't been able to put a lot of time into customizing for the last couple of years but that's about to change. Here I have two customs I would like to share with you, Marvel Legends Style Triton and Gorgon from Marvel's Inhumans Royal Family. I have always been a huge fan of the Inhumans. I really liked that they were a family but all very different from each other and I was always fond of the strange powers each of them have. It's nice to see all the attention they are getting these days but to be honest, it feels kind of forced and generally not very exciting. A lot of people say Marvel is trying to have them replace mutants because Fox blah blah rights blah blah. Those kinds of conversations make it difficult for me to enjoy this new Inhuman uprising, I always liked the fact the Inhumans were kind of like Marvel's hidden eccentric treasure. With all that said, I really enjoyed the Uncanny Inhumans comic that recently came out. It is definitely hard to hate on a Blackbolt VS King the Conquerer no matter how you look at it. You should check that out for some great Blackbolt action. One of my favorite Inhumans stories is the Marvel Knights Inhumans by Paul Jenkins & Jae Lee. It is a really interesting story about the Inhumans and their culture, it almost feels like a documentary. You can pick that up here...Marvel Knights:The Inhumans
Let's start off with Gorgon. It seems like he is pretty much always drawn different, unless we are talking about his Kirby days. He is the General of the Inhumans army, cousin to Blackbolt and the royal family's resident hot head. I didn't really go with any specific look for him with this custom, but I would say this custom is somewhere between his Marvel Knights look and his War Of the Kings look.
He was made using Ajani Goldmane from the Funko Legacy: Magic the Gathering(pictured above) figure as a base. The figure was really easy to work with. The plastic was pretty soft so I was able to cut the unwanted details off with very little effort and sanding. For his head I used the Despro Collect and Connect DC Universe figure. All of the other details were sculpted using Aves fixit. I am a little unhappy with how the paint came out but I can live with it. Some of the paint I was using had been sitting around for a few years and was not very smooth. I do plan on making a more classic version of him using the same base.
Now on to Triton. He is also Blackbolts cousin and he is Karnaks brother. Aside from Blackbolt, I would have to say that Triton is my favorite Inhuman and to tell you the truth, I am not even sure why. I really like the fact that he is kind of a freak amongst freaks and he aways seems like a bit of an outcast in a society of outcasts. Plus he's green and pinkish/purple, that's always a plus in the Marvel Universe.
I did a little sculpting on his chest, legs and arms to make it look like he has scales.
I tried to do a lot of modifying on the Bullseye head. I really dislike being able to tell where the heads on customs came from.
For Triton I used Cyclops from the Jubilee build a figure wave as a base. I used Bullseye's head and Bucky-Caps boots. The rest of the details are sculpted. I really enjoyed making him mostly because I like to use green and purple.
Thanks for checking out my customs. Feel free to leave feedback good or bad. Check out this video for a quick look at the articulation.